Good point Valis. We see how long he lasts, if he is sincere and he wants a truly JW only and WTS approved Site, then he won't last long. hehehe
The Thinker
JoinedPosts by The Thinker
New Australian Witness Forum
by HawkOwL inhi all, i'm hawkowl, the admin of a brand new board that we have started up in the rainbow region of new south wales, australia.
if your interested in dropping by and checking us out feel free.
our board is password protected but i'm sure you'll work it out.
New Australian Witness Forum
by HawkOwL inhi all, i'm hawkowl, the admin of a brand new board that we have started up in the rainbow region of new south wales, australia.
if your interested in dropping by and checking us out feel free.
our board is password protected but i'm sure you'll work it out.
The Thinker
I would think that if someone wants to establish a forum he would want as many new members as soon as possible, in that case then why have a forum with a secret password that your suppose to guess, even if its suppose to be an easy password, whats the point? I tried to get in, I tried guessing the password once , I got it wrong so I left. sounds weird to me. Is he serious about the forum or does he want to plays games?
What did you do with your books?
by imnottheonlyone! ini am curious...what did you all do with your jw books and paraphanalia?
i carted mine around for years and kept them in boxes.
i was like afraid to do anything with them, even though i was sure i didn't want them.
The Thinker
re: 1975. The KM's are good to keep too. There's a nice one that commends the Bro's for "selling their house's and going pioneering" before 1975 comes. and another that says "we have only a few months not years" i'm sure blondie can provide the needed inofo, if you need to know which one exactly.
Russell and Pyramids
by TheEdge ini bet this is all old hat to you regulars on the board, but occassionally when i look for something, i find more than i expect.
was mulling over the 1914 thing (607 etc) and discovered :-.
i thought this was a hoax, then clicked on the link to ''thy kingdom come'' - so now what to believe?
The Thinker
I see your point AlanF, and I will reconsider my handle too . I'll like to mention one more hole in the 1914 theology. Firstly Russel said 606BC not 607BC. also the "seven times" is given in Prophtic years of 360 days. Question is why isn't the Prophtic year still used to arrive to 1914, to do this they switched to the Pope Gorgonian Calender. Its like using the Imperial system and then turning to the Metric system in the same calculation so as to get the desired result. see my point?
Russell and Pyramids
by TheEdge ini bet this is all old hat to you regulars on the board, but occassionally when i look for something, i find more than i expect.
was mulling over the 1914 thing (607 etc) and discovered :-.
i thought this was a hoax, then clicked on the link to ''thy kingdom come'' - so now what to believe?
The Thinker
there are lots of places. ( i don't know how to cut and paste on this board yet) go to Vol3 and then Chp 10. when you all all the text, just type in "Ctrl F" and do a serch for 1914, it will take you stright to the point where Russel takes about the Pyramids and 1914.
Russell and Pyramids
by TheEdge ini bet this is all old hat to you regulars on the board, but occassionally when i look for something, i find more than i expect.
was mulling over the 1914 thing (607 etc) and discovered :-.
i thought this was a hoax, then clicked on the link to ''thy kingdom come'' - so now what to believe?
The Thinker
I don't agree with you AlanF. Charles russel did measure the lenghts of the passags in the pyramid. Read "studies in the Striptures" Vol 3 Chp10. There are photo copys of those pages on many EX-JW websites. I'm sure even the watchtower-observer has one. I can supply one later as I am at my work place and not at home.
Russell and Pyramids
by TheEdge ini bet this is all old hat to you regulars on the board, but occassionally when i look for something, i find more than i expect.
was mulling over the 1914 thing (607 etc) and discovered :-.
i thought this was a hoax, then clicked on the link to ''thy kingdom come'' - so now what to believe?
The Thinker
Thats not the all ! Approx about 5 years ago, there was a Watchtower main articule where they said "..some even at the time were measuring the lenghts of the passages of the pyramids.." . So with that comment the WT was putting the blame on others and not telling the readers that it was Charles Russel himself that was doing the measuring, they wrote the articule in a way so as to give the impression that it was others and NOT themselves, the 'Faith and Discret' slave who gives the food at the porper time.
I don't have the WT CD with me at the momoent but I can find it easeriiy later if you's are interested.
Are Dubs warned about JWD at Meetings?
by Low-Key Lysmith ini havn't been to a meeting in years.
i was just wondering if this site is talked about @ meetings, and/or in the publicatons.
i'm sure reproof or disfellowshipping would be instant if a dub was found looking into such "apostacy".
The Thinker
There is NO WAY the Org will ever mention this site or any other site by name, and there are hundreds of anti-JW sites. I still go to meetings, all they ever say is to keep away from the net, and how 'satan' have led many away from the 'truth' by the use of the net. I can't believe I once believed all that rubbbish. They won't allow any Elders to view these sites because they might be 'lost' too, well, if they are truly truth loving men, they will be see how much lies the WTS have being telling them as well. As far as any of the bigger guys in Bethal are concerned, I have no doubt that they are checking on all of these sites, these and most of the others, notice how quickly they resigned as NGO for the United Nations when it was mentioned on this site, I was following the whole thing from the first time it was mentioned here, and within 2 weeks they resigned, so try and convince me that they aren't looking ( Hello ! Govering Body hehe ) and if any of the GB or DO's or CO's or even Elders do know the truth about the WST lies and fight to protect the WTS and to keep it going, then it makes there sin so far more serious, they are like the Pharisee's who were only concerned about their postion and kill Jesus because he was exposeing them.
Thank you.
Questions No JW has answered
by 144001 inmany times i have asked my jw relatives questions that they've been unable to answer with anything other than, "good question, i'll get back to you on that.
" for some reason, they never actually do get back to me on them.
so, now here's the opportunity for the jehovah's witnesses and their supporters on this forum to either answer some of these questions or concede that they have no answer.
The Thinker
If blood factions are allowed, then it must be OK to donate blood. But I know its not OK to donate blood, if I was caught at the blood bank, I would get DFed. Yet there are some JW's who because of some illness use blood products made from blood factions that are "approved" by the WTS. Luckerly not everyone in the world are JW's because if they were, then those JW's who need those blood factions would be dead.
explain that to someone
Elders & Circuit Overseer Get Caught In A BIG Lie!
by minimus inmy mom has lost her zeal.
she has understood that the "brothers" are nothing special.
they are mere men.
The Thinker
This thing about seeing a "worldly" wedding, why can it be wrong? Its just another control thing. Take for example..if someone got batized as a Catholic if they later become Jehovah's Witness's they would be expected to get batized again, but if 2 people got married in a Catholic Church and then later became Jehovah's Witness's, they wouldn't need to remarry as Jehovah's Witness. This is because the Law AND GOD recognize the marriage regardless of what religion married them, so if God by virtue of his approval of the marriage is present at the marriage by can't we be present too, we would also by God's law will be expected to recongnize the marriage regardless of what faith marriage them
I hope you understand my point.